Team Bring-It: How it Works

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Key Design Considerations:

When developing the system, we considered how we could design different aspects to best suit the needs of our customers.

Interaction with the robot

scanning tag on RFID reader

When the robot arrives at its destination to make a delivery, the recipient must scan their ID card on the RFID reader. Useful information is also displayed on the screen adjacent to it. We found that for ease of use and user comfort, the optimal angle would align with the average elbow height and be slanted at a 50 degree angle through some user testing within the team. From this, we positioned the screen and RFID reader at the top of the robot on a slanted front face at approimatly 50 degrees, which on the full sized robot would suit the average elbow height of 102 cm [1].

The User Interface

scanning tag on RFID reader

The UI has large font that is eaily legible, the buttons are large to be touch screen friendly.

Colours have been used to diffrentiate between different sections within a page, and allow for information to be presented more clearly.

Drawer Access

Biggest drawer located at the bottom of the robot for the larger, heavier items. After testing different drawer opening positions within the team, we established that we would want the drawers to open 26 cm to allow for items to be removed from and placed into the drawer easily.